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The Dombivli Nagari Sahakari Bank, which had a deposit base of some Hundreds of rupees in the initial years, has registered a deposit figure of Rs. 3818.57 crores.
The same progress applies so far as loan and advances are concerned. It has so far assisted thousands of people from all walks of life by lending Rs. 2327.31 crores.
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Dombivli Nagari Sahakari Bank Ltd.
Multi-State Scheduled Bank
"Madhukunj" P-52, M.I.D.C. Kalyan Shil Road,
Sonarpada, Dombivli (East) - 421 204.
Phone - +91 (251) 2875000
Toll Free - 1800 233 1700 / 8655785534
WhatsApp No.- 7045456655
Email - enquiry@dnsb.co.in